[NCC] WRTC Strategy

Nzharps@aol.com Nzharps@aol.com
Wed May 03 10:52:42 2000

Hola To All..

W2GD and I have begun to discuss strategy for our entry at WRTC this summer.  We are soliciting input from both of our respective clubs in the hope of uncovering a few gems of wisdom that we may have overlooked.  We would like to hear any thoughts that ANY of you might have as to the usual list of strategy/contest prep questions:

1. Run vs. Mults
  WRTC rules specify that all Q's are of equal value and mults are IARU zones+HQ stns on each band and mode.  

2. Off times
  WRTC says we must take off 4 hours out of the 24. Each time off is a minimum 1 hour.

3. Band selection
  Who knows EU propagation?  I've already examined the S50HQ log from IARU 1999, but would like to hear something from experienced ears. 

4. Sleep deprivation/food intake
If you have any thoughts related to WRTC, please feel free to bend my ear.  

Ron, K8NZ
North Coast Contesters
Team Captain
WRTC 2000

Submissions:              ncc@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  ncc-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-ncc@contesting.com