[NCC] Ohio QSO Party - TODAY!
Sat, 24 Aug 2002 08:00:22 EDT
Yes, it's ZERO days to the Ohio QSO Party!
The fun starts today at 16Z (noon EDT), and goes 12 hours until 04Z Sunday.
Suggested frequencies are 45 KHz above the bottom on CW, and 3850, 7225,
14250, 21300, and 28450 on SSB.
Exchange serial number and county (OH) or state, province (VE), or "DX".
Full details are at www.mrrc.net/oqp
QSO Parties like these are greatly impacted by their mobile operations. We
will have six such operations by experienced contesters: AF8A (+W8AV), K8CC
(+W8MJ), K8MR, NY4N, W1NN, and WT9U. Just between these mobiles all 88
counties will be activated. Add in lots of home, portable, and other mobile
operations and you can count on a great contest with lots of activity.
See you soon in the OQP!
73 - Jim K8MR (mobile in 20+ counties in the hills of southeast Ohio)
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