[NCC] Bob, W8HSK

Nzharps@aol.com Nzharps@aol.com
Sat, 24 Aug 2002 08:43:42 EDT

Very sad to hear the news about Bob.  One of the truly good guys that I have 
known over the years.  Bob was always there with a smile, a joke and 
wonderful insights.  

I remember his great efforts to turn the Indian Hills RC into a Sweepstakes 
powerhouse in the late 1960's.  He had been an active member of PVRC living 
in Maryland before moving back to Ohio. He brought this energy and knowledge 
with him as he organized many competitve club scores from 1966-69.  At that 
time there was no breakdown of clubs based on number of entries.  He 
displayed an enthusiasm that became contagious and inspiring.

Bob was also instrumental in building the K8NZ station of the late '70s and 
early '80s.  He turned a crumpled mass of aluminum that had been a KLM 4-L 
40m beam (the boom had collapsed on the tram ride up the tower)  into a 
killer and was always available for advice and consultation on any station 
building issue.   

Lots of fond memories.