[NCC] RE: WRTC update

n3ra n3ra@zoominternet.net
Sun, 14 Jul 2002 09:34:01 -0400

Well, the operating portion of WRTC 2002 is now over.  High claimed scores
are on the web site at:  http://wrtc.jouni.net/cgi-bin/tilanne.pl?hpng=WRTC

Claimed Scores are
#1 N6TJ&N6AA
#3 N5TJ&K1TO

The log checkers now to start their job! Things could easily change very
significantly during this process.  N6TJ and N6AA were a wildcard selection
and are well known for their vast experience, knowledge and skill.  We'll
see how their log holds up during checking.  I'll bet it holds up extrememly

Tim and Pat are high claimed #21, but their final position will change after
checking.  VE3EJ and VE7ZO are high claimed #7.  The French team that Ron
ref's for is high claimed #21.

I will send out another update after I get the chance to talk to Tim later

Here is the complete high claimed list.  Remember these will change will log

1 N6TJ_N6AA 1747340
 2 DL2CC_DL6FBL 1630760
 3 N5TJ_K1TO 1626900
 4 RA3AUU_RV1AW 1614591
 5 N6MJ_N2NL 1569344
 6 KQ2M_W7WA 1535352
 7 VE3EJ_VE7ZO 1526878
 8 SP3RBR_SP8NR 1498917
 9 UT4UZ_UT3UA 1494540
 10 K5ZD_K1KI 1489574
 11 LY1DS_LY2TA 1477400
 12 RW1AC_RW3QC 1460739
 13 DK3GI_DL1IAO 1460164
 14 OE2VEL_OE9MON 1459955
 15 N6RT_N2NT 1441314
 16 9A9A_9A5E 1406864
 17 HA1AG_HA3OV 1401380
 18 RZ9UA_UA9MA 1397115
 19 K1AR_K1DG 1395966
 20 N5RZ_K2UA 1378083
 21 K3LR_N9RV 1373008
 22 W4AN_K4BAI 1368045
 23 N2IC_K6LL 1356583
 24 UA2FZ_RW4WR 1347621
 25 YU7BV_YU1ZZ 1340438
 26 ON6TT_ON4WW 1323144
 27 ES5MC_ES2RR 1306144
 28 OH1MDR_OH1MM 1301460
 29 S50A_S59AA 1284745
 30 G4PIQ_G4BWP 1283814
 31 SP7GIQ_SP2FAX 1266594
 32 YL2KL_YL3DW 1251340
 33 A61AJ_K1ZM_N6ZZ 1241856
 34 5B4ADA_5B4WN 1220648
 35 OK2FD_OK2ZU 1213158
 36 SM5IMO_SM3SGP 1205592
 37 JM1CAX_JE1JKL 1200112
 38 N5KO_N1YC 1128960
 39 OH6EI_OH2XX 1126400
 40 NT1N_AG9A 1100075
 41 F6FGZ_F5NLY 1085348
 42 YT1AD_YU7NU 1065766
 43 VE7SV_VE7AHA 1046331
 44 UA9BA_RN9AO 1043535
 45 DJ6QT_DL2OBF 1002708
 46 LU7DW_LU1FAM 989349
 47 PP5JR_PY1KN 987972
 48 EA3KU_EA3AIR 964965
 49 ZS6EZ_ZS4TX 903756
 50 S56M_S57AL 882016
 51 IK2QEI_I4UFH 873167
 52 UN9LW_UN7LAN 710127