[NCC] NCC Stuff #9
Mon, 7 Oct 2002 14:52:54 EDT
Hola to all..the leaves are starting to fall and the bands are starting to
heat up, so contest season must be underway. I hope everyone had fun in the
CQP last weekend. Several non-w6's were at or around 1000 Q's for the
weekend. Ammmazing!
PA QSO Party--
Speaking of QSO parties, the granddaddy of 'em all is coming up next
weekend. The PA QP has had a grand tradition and generates lots of activity.
Check it out, dust off those radios and let the RF flow.
An NCC favorite is only a few weeks away. Conditions are predicted to be
"above normal" for the weekend of Oct. 26-27. This should make the bands
boil with activity from all points of the compass. What are your plans for
activity? Is anyone else going to operate away from home? NCC always places
very well in CQ WW so get ready for the BIG ONE.
NCC on the air net--
Join me on 3815 +/- QRM, lids, etc on Wednesday Oct 16 at 00z to discuss
upcoming contest plans, strategies or any other club related stuff. Going to
try to make this a monthly event.
Lunch Bunch--
Yours truly has had the pleasure of meeting W8CAR (in August) and N8PW (in
September) for lunch at various places around the Cleveland. Any one want to
continue this newly evolving tradition? Burgers, beer and contest BS are the
order of the day. Let me know if you will be in town or passin' through and
we can pick a spot.
Hope to hear many of you on the 16th. Also, please make sure you call in
during WW SSB when you hear PJ2T. That will be the m/2 team organized by
WC4E and me. Others joining us in sunny Curacao are N8BJQ, W1MD and K1AR.
Should be a fun week of radio.
Ron, K8NZ