Wed, 9 Oct 2002 07:50:19 EDT
Here is more info for the PA QP this weekend. There is a club competition so
make sure you enter NCC on your entry.
Pennsylvania QSO Party - CW/Phone, sponsored by the Nittany ARC,
1600Z Oct 12 - 0500Z Oct 13 and 1300Z - 2200Z Oct 13. Frequencies: CW
1.810 MHz and 40 kHz above band edge; Phone - 1.850 3.980 7.280
14.280 21.380 28.310 MHz; Novice/Tech - 10 kHz above edge of segment;
mobiles 5 kHz below the listed frequencies. Work mobiles in each
county. County lines count for 1 QSO but both counties. Categories:
SO (HP >150W, LP, or QRP <5W), MS, MM, SO or MS Portable,
Novice/Tech/TechPlus, Mobile, Rover. Exchange: serial number and
ARRL/RAC section (PA stations send PA county). QSO Points: CW - 2 pts
on 160 and 80, 1.5 pts on other bands; Phone - 1 pt. Score: QSO
points x PA counties (PA stations use PA counties + ARRL/RAC sections
+ 1 for a DX QSO) x 2 if QRP or x 3 if Novice/Tech. Add 200 points to
final score for each QSO with W3FRC. PA mobiles and rovers add 500
points for each county with 10 or more QSOs. For more information -
http://www.nittany-arc.org/paqso.html. Logs due by Nov 15 to PA QSO
Party, PO Box 614, State College, PA 16804, USA.
Tnx to ARRL Rate Sheet.
Ron, K8NZ