[NCC] A Crass Commercial Announcement
Fri, 3 Jan 2003 11:15:30 EST
Directed primarily those who will be lunching at Hooters in Mentor tomorrow:
Should you be in need of a major suck up to your wife, half a mile down the
road from Hooters, my brother-in-law is in the process of closing his jewelry
store and retiring from the business. He is presently conducting a
liquidation sale, so very good deals are available. I will be stopping there
after Hooters, as next month is our 20th anniversary, and I *know* I need to
get Linda something!
Anyone wanting to check things out, I'll be happy to take you along with me.
Think of how good you can lay it on: "Honey, as I was sitting there in
Hooters, I was thinking how great you are, and lo and behold, as we were
walking out of Hooters we just happened to pass this jewelry store, where I
saw this in the window, and blah, blah, blah, ....
73 - Jim K8MR
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