[NCC] Saturday Events
Fri, 3 Jan 2003 10:27:44 EST
>From Dave, K8CC, with a few minor additions by K8MR. Any NCCers who would
like to meet up with the tour, here's the plan:
The coming weekend are a couple of fine MRRC traditions: the K8MR Christmas
Party and MRRC meeting, plus the K8AZ Open House/NCC meeting. Details are
much the same as in past years, but are covered in the December/January
FLASH that went into the mail Wednesday evening, which should also be on
the MRRC web page shortly.
Besides these two great events, an informal group of MRRCers from outside
the Cleveland area and joined by some of the locals, uses the time before
the meetings to visit establishments of interest to contesters like
us. Some of these places include:
Samsel Marine Hardware, located down on the Cleveland riverfront. Catering
to the marine industry, Samsel offers a lot of useful rigging and tower
equipment, climbing belts, etc. 1285 Old River Road, Cleveland.
Electronic Surplus, located on Broadway Avenue just off of I-77
downtown. All sorts of interesting electronic thingies. 5363 Broadway
Avenue, Cleveland.
Amateur Electronic Supply, located on the northeast side of the Cleveland
metro area in Wickliffe. No explanation needed; we know you have the AES
catalog memorized, so you know what it has. 28940 Euclid Avenue.
Lunch at Hooters. A restaurant in Mentor, Ohio. 7693 Reynolds Road, aka Rt.
306, north of I-90.
Right now there are at least five people coming from Michigan to make the
tour and the meetings. One additional complication is that AES is closing
early (1300 local) for inventory.
Here is the tentative (i.e., not been confirmed with everybody)
timetable. I'm primarily directing this towards the MI contingent, but
anyone who wants to join the fun is welcome.
6:00 Depart K8CC
7:00 Pick up K9TM in Sylvania, OH and on the road
9:15 Arrive at Samsel
10:15 Arrive at Electronic Surplus
11:45 Arrive at AES in Wickliffe
1:00 Lunch at Hooters in Mentor, OH
3:00 Arrive at K8AZ
7:00 Depart for K8MR with probable detour to check in to Days Inn in
Solon, OH
7:30 Arrive at K8MR
See you Saturday - Jim K8MR
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