[NCC] Fwd: NAQP CW K8MR Single Op LP
jimk8mr at aol.com
jimk8mr at aol.com
Mon Aug 9 19:46:53 PDT 2010
North American QSO Party, CW - August
Call: K8MR
perator(s): K8MR
tation: K8MR
Class: Single Op LP
perating Time (hrs): 1
Band QSOs Mults
160: 0 0
80: 0 0
40: 5 4
20: 33 18
15: 12 8
10: 0 0
otal: 50 30 Total Score = 1,500
Club: Mad River Radio Club
Team: MRRC/NCC Team #3
I was visiting in Bronxville, New York, this weekend for a party hosted by my
aughter's future in-laws. I took along the IC-746, HamSticks, and one mag
ount to be able to make a few qsos if time permitted. It turned out that I was
ble to sneak off for about an hour in late afternoon, to pass out a few S&P
sos and add some entropy to the data bases (computer or mental) of contest
Thought about trying some last hour activity on 40, but after a long evening of
artying just couldn't pull that one off.
See you all for a more significant effort in the Ohio QSO Party on Saturday,
ugust 28.
3 - Jim K8MR
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