[NCC] Fw: NAQP CW W1NN Single Op LP

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Tue Aug 10 08:44:40 PDT 2010

A couple of additional comments:

We had a pretty good turnout from the team members.  I worked nearly all of 
them.  Didn't manage to hook up with K8MR but I heard someone working him on 
20.  It was especially good to hear AA8IA with an S9 signal on 80.  Your new 
antenna is working fine, Mike.

I had one interesting incident on 10 meters.  I was trying like crazy to 
make some multiplier hear me but he just couldn't pull me in.  Then I heard 
him work W8CAR.  Grrrrr.  I continued to call.  Then I heard him work N8SS. 
Arghhh!  Why can't he hear me?  I was using a vertical loop that tunes 
nicely and seemed to be working okay.  Then I switched through my other 
antennas to see if he was stronger on any of them and when I switched in the 
80 meter dipole he came up about 3 s-units.  I tuned it up with the ant 
tuner and called him and he finally heard me.  I continued to use the 80 
meter dipole on 10 for the rest of the contest.

Oh for some aluminum!

Next event for me is the Ohio QSO Party as full-time mobile!  I hope 
everyone in the MRRC and the NCC has this event on their calendars.


Hal W1NN

                    North American QSO Party, CW - August

Call: W1NN
Operator(s): W1NN
Station: W1NN

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   53    23
   80:  210    43
   40:  160    41
   20:  193    42
   15:   70    25
   10:   30    12
Total:  716   186  Total Score = 133,176

Club: Mad River Radio Club

Team: MRRC/NCC Team #1


As usual I spent a little too much time trying to find mults on the high 
where my antennas are poor and probably short changed the time I should have
spent on the low bands where I have my best antennas.  I took two 30 minute 
times early in the contest and my final 60 minute off time at the end. 
not the best thing for the score but getting to bed at 2 AM makes for a 
tired Sunday.  The rate for the first five hours was 60 per hour and 80 per
hour for the last five hours, bringing the overall average to 70, more than 
Q's below my January NAQP average.  Score almost identical to last year's
August running except about 9 fewer mults.  I guess I need some aluminum and
SO2R if I want to move much beyond this level.

Signals on 15 were really weak in the beginning and it was a real grind.  10
was open but not very many stations to work.  40 was great when I first went
there around 0000Z and I had a good run but later when I went back the QRN 
awful, even worse than 80 and 160.  The WX was great and there no storms in 
area but the low bands were still very noisy.  Signals on 80 were strong and 
QRN wasn't too much of a problem until later when I had a lot of trouble 
the weaker west coast stations calling me.  I guess a beverage would have

Participation seems to get better every time and this contest is really fun.
There are plenty of mults and good ops.  Can't wait for the next one.

Thanks for the contacts!

73,  Hal W1NN

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