[NCC] Fw: [OhQP-mail] OhQP Final Push

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Sun Aug 22 13:35:59 PDT 2010

Executive summary:
Got on the air this Saturday and work some people!
Included among those who will be active - and excuse anyone I've missed -  
are NCC'ers W8CAR (with K8NZ) as W8O/m; W1NN/m; K8MR/m; and  W8WTS. 
Hopefully there will be a lot more who have not yet posted their  plans.
Even if you don't have the time or energy to get on for a full time effort, 
 a few hours on various bands will get you into the logs of those are 
playing  seriously.
See you Saturday - and from all us mobiles, work us early and work us  
73   -  Jim   K8MR
In a message dated 8/22/2010 4:15:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
w8car at buckeye-express.com writes:

From: Kenneth Silverman 
Sent: Sunday, August 22, 2010  11:59 AM
To: Ohio QSO ; MRRC Reflector 
Subject: [OhQP-mail] OhQP Final  Push

Hi All,

We're days away from the best contest of the  year, and the turn out so far 
has been fantastic.  But we still need more  activity so we can't give up 
the push!  

This year we could see a  number of stations working all 88 Ohio Counties.  
All 88 counties have  some level of coverage and 64 of the 88 counties have 
fixed-station  activity.  In most cases these 64 have mobile activity too.  
A lot  "rare" counties won't be so rare this year as many of these counties 
will have  full-time fixed station coverage + mobiles.  Speaking of 
mobiles, the  highways will be filled with the most mobiles/Rovers we've ever had 
in the  OhQP.  Also, be on the lookout for N8KR aeronautical mobile on 75  
SSB.  Thanks in advance to the road/air warriors who help make this a  great 

But we can't slow down yet - we need ALL the activity we  can get, and 
we're well on our way of having fixed-station activity in all 88  counties!  
Just because there's a few ops in your county on the Planned  Activity list 
doesn't mean you get off easy: every QSO and active station  matters.  If you 
know some HF ops who weren't planning on operating,  please encourage them to 
do so, even if it's for just a few hours.   

I just sent out one last reminder to over 300 Ohio clubs (see  announcement 
at bottom of email).  If you don't see the announcement on  your local club 
reflector in a day or two, please send it out.  Please  also send it to 
ARES, QCWA, EMA and repeater type groups in Ohio as you never  know where we 
will find potential activity.

The following 24 counties  so far don't have fixed station coverage, and 
some of them normally have  fixed-station activity!  

Belmont (1)
Carroll  (1)
Fulton  (1)
Mercer  (1)
Monroe (1)
Ottawa  (1)
Van Wert (1)
Warren  (1)

Notes:  1:  a single mobile/rover is providing  coverage

73, and CU on the air! 
Kenny K2KW
OhQP PR  Coodinator


Ohio  QSO Party Announcement:

The Ohio QSO Party (OhQP) on August 28th is  just days away.  It's 
looking like a banner year of activity, but we  need your help to make this 
the best OhQP ever.  Just an hour or two  on the air (or even all 12) will 
really help.  Come on and join THE  party!

For those who don't know what the OhQP is all about, it's a fun  time for
Ohio stations to be on the air and be the hunted station, or  "DX".  People
from around the world are seeking out Ohio stations in  this event, which is
a nice change from most operating events.  The  OhQP occurs on Saturday
August 28, 2010 from local noon to local  midnight.  In the basic QSO
exchange, Ohio stations send a consecutive  serial number + county, and
non-Ohioans (who can only work Ohio) send a  consecutive serial number and
state/province/DX.  Suggested  frequencies are:  CW: 3545, 7045, 14,045,
21,045, 28,045 kHz; SSB  3825, 7200, 14,250, 21,300, and 28,450 kHz.  Don't
be shy - try  calling CQ in addition to searching and pouncing.  Remember,
the world  is tuning the bands looking for Ohio stations - your CQ's will  
answered!  Full details and an OhQP operating guide can be found on  the
official website at: www.ohqp.org/.

By calling "CQ Ohio QSO  Party" you will be amazed at the number of 
people who call - and you will  likely have pileups too.  An hour of CQing 
from a modest station can  easily yield 50-80 QSOs (or more).   If you 
don't like to CQ,  tune around and hand out some QSOs.  Since Ohio 
stations are usually  the only one's calling CQ, the best place to tune 
and call others will be  75/80 (even starting at noon) as it's the only 
band for  Ohio-to-Ohio QSOs.  Checking the other bands is worth
while  too.

This is a great event for a club activity or a training ground for  new(er)
hams.  Round up the club and have some fun.  If you are  in
the mood to enjoy the great Ohio countryside, try operating portable  or
mobile from a rare county.  Remember, the ultimate goal is to just  get on
the air and have some fun!

73 and we hope to hear you on the  air,
Kenny K2KW
Ohio QSO Party PR  Coordinator
kenny.k2kw at gmail.com


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