[NCC] CW Sprint Coming Up

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Fri Aug 27 06:11:20 PDT 2010


I trust that everyone is busy preparing for the Ohio QSO Party starting at noon tomorrow.  

The next major event on the contesting agenda after the Ohio QSO Party is the CW Sprint on Saturday night September 11 (September 12 UCT), the night just before the Findlay MRRC meeting.  Mark your calendars.  The CW Sprint is the big daddy of  CW contests and MRRC/NCC should be able to field at least one and hopefully two full teams.

I will volunteer again to put together and register team(s).  Remember, we need 10 people to form a team, not 5 as in the NAQP.  Please let me know if you plan to operate and whether part or full time and I will put together appropriate teams.

It's time to show the rest of the country that we MI/OH/PA/IN guys are nobody to mess around with!


Hal W1NN  

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