[NCC] RTTY Operating
wb8k at att.net
Tue Jan 5 09:18:42 PST 2010
As promised, more RTTY information.
Operating RTTY in a contest or dx’ing mode is well within the realm of practically all of our members.
Most all of today's equipment is RTTY capable and generally requires a minimum of effort to configure for this mode.
Happily, the old days of having a large& noisy mechanical monster in the shack are all gone.
Ask my XYL, she enthusiastically helped me carry my last Model 19 machine up the stairs and out the door.
Today a simple interface to a computer sound card along with some very good, free software is all that is necessary.
Also, note that the very same interface and software usually works with other digital modes like PSK and even SSTV. MMTTY
is free and appears to be very popular. Many of the current logging programs support RTTY contests. Win-Test supports many
of the RTTY contests however to my knowledge it does not appear to directly support the BARTG contests which is strange as
they are some of the most popular. I am not very well versed in Win-Test but perhaps others know of a way to configure it for
scoring. I currently use Writelog which works quite well. Others have used N1MM and I believe TRlog is also configurable for
BARTG. I'm sure there are others& I'll research this topic a bit further.
There is a myriad amount of information on the web and I have listed some good links which provide all the information that you should ever
need to get on and operate RTTY. In particular, the link to the AA5AU web site is probably the first place anyone should go for information.
Don, AA5AU who many consider the guru of modern RTTY operating has put together a most complete and comprehensive source of RTTY information.
Here are some links for information on equipment, configuration, operating methods and contest listings.*
_*http://mmhamsoft.amateur-radio.ca/pages/mmtty.php *
*_http://www.bartg.org.uk/ <http://www.bartg.org.uk/>_
* *
btw, my earlier post incorrectly named the upcoming January BARTG
contest, it should have read the ‘BARTG RTTY SPRINT’.
The Spring HF RTTY contest is in March.
Denny WB8K
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