[NCC] [MRRC] CQ WW scores

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Mon Nov 29 18:47:10 PST 2010

Tim et al:
This is a cool site! Thanks for reminding me of it.
First time I've used it. For me it was very interesting to compare such  
things as:
K8AZ vs. other East Coast M/S in various years (they kill us in the  
interval between when the sun comes up there and when the sun comes up  here); 
PJ2T vs D4C 2008 CW WW M/2  (They killed us in the time between EU  sunrise 
and PJ2 sunrise, beat us by closer margins during most other hours, but  we 
beat them in the first 3 hours);
PJ2T vs PJ4A  2007 CW WW M/2  (close, but we took second place in  
Netherlands Antilles M/2 that year).
73  -  Jim   K8MR
In a message dated 11/29/2010 9:25:21 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
k3lr at k3lr.com writes:

Here  is a great tool for comparing logs - in any  category.


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