[NCC] Fwd: [FCG] Orlando Contest Dinner 2012 - Get Your Tickets Now!
Nzharps at aol.com
Nzharps at aol.com
Wed Dec 14 19:03:24 PST 2011
Passing this along from the Florida Contest Group reflector.
If you are in Florida in February, the Orlando Hamcation and the FCG
Contest Dinner absolutely should be on your to do list. I attended last year and
can attest to the fact that this was a great affair. Everything from the
free beer, to the door prizes (FT950 Grand Prize), to the great dinner
speaker (Jamie Dupree, NS3T from Radio-Sport.net) made for wonderful night of
ham radio.
Hope to see some of you there in 2012!
Ron, K8NZ
From: chris.plumblee at gmail.com
To: fcg at kkn.net, FCG-P at yahoogroups.com
Sent: 12/14/2011 9:30:34 A.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: [FCG] Orlando Contest Dinner 2012 - Get Your Tickets Now!
All -
I'm pleased to announce formally that the FCG is sponsoring another
iteration of the Orlando Contest Dinner in 2012. Same time and place as
last year, the American Legion Hall at 2101 Lee Road in Orlando on Friday
night at 6:00 (after the hamfest closes). As with last year tickets will be
$20, payable to K4LQ via mail (or in person, if you plan to see him before
February). Your ticket includes dinner, free domestic beer, and a raffle
Please QRX for the identity of the speaker and details about the
raffle...K1TO and I are ironing out the details this week. However, if you
plan to attend it's not too early to get your check in the mail to K4LQ to
hold your spot. Ticket sales will again be limited to 100 persons, and we
nearly sold out last year. Don't let the deadline creep up on you and lose
your spot.
If you are interested in attending, please mail a check for $20 per
attendee to
Fred Perkins K4LQ
Florida Contest Group Treasurer
3437 Lake Josephine Dr.
Lake Placid, FL 33852
Note on the memo line of the check your call so we can appropriately notate
our attendee list. Sorry, we are not QRV to accept electronic payments at
this time.
Any questions, please feel free to contact me via email or phone. Also,
please feel free to propagate this email to other contest clubs who might
have members interested in attending.
For reference, directions from the hamfest site to the American Legion Hall
are at http://tinyurl.com/FCGDirections
Chris WF3C
Chris Plumblee
FCG mailing list
Send mail - FCG at kkn.net
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Facebook - http://tinyurl.com/4xw5jr7
DXCluster - telnet to k4fcg.dyndns.org
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