[NCC] W8CAR SOHP CW 10 meter contest

Dan Kovatch w8car at buckeye-express.com
Thu Dec 15 07:36:09 PST 2011

Call: W8CAR
Operator(s): W8CAR
Station: W8CAR

Class: SO CW HP
QTH: oh
Operating Time (hrs): 17

Band  QSOs  Mults
   CW: 1016   131
Total: 1016   131  Total Score = 532,384

Club: North Coast Contesters

Comments: I thought condx were pretty good considering the SF has been 
dropping. Had lots of fun and spent my time between running and S and P for 
mults. Amazing that at one point I was running at 28147 with a good rate and 
heard lots of others running in the upper reaches. Everything worked well 
other than a USB to serial converter issue which I believe is now fixed.

Happy Christmas and New Year cu at AZ/MR bash
Dan W8CAR 

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