[NCC] NAQP RTTY Contest - Whip it Good!

Ray Fallen ray.fallen.caom at statefarm.com
Wed Jun 29 08:16:41 PDT 2011

Hi Guys...

NAQP RTTY is coming up the weekend of July 16-starting at 1800Z
and lasting until 0600 on July 17.

Rules and more information at:  http://www.ncjweb.com/naqprules.php

I would like to put together a team for this contest.  In February, NCC Team#1
(WW3S, ND8L, K3GP and WT8C) placed tenth.  Ahem, W8CAR entered and
did well (22,185/255/87) but wasn't on the team.  Hey, Dan, wattsamatteryou?

Please let me know if you're participating and if I can put you on an NCC team.

RSVP to ray.fallen at gmail.com<mailto:ray.fallen at gmail.com>



Ray Fallen, Agent
The State Farm Insurance Companies
*  Phone       330.534-8600                  * Fax:      330.534.3276
*  Cellular     330.720.5185                 *  E-Mail:  Ray at RayFallen.COM

* Address      504 East Liberty Street
                       Hubbard, Ohio 44425-2136

We're on The Internets:   www.RayFallen.COM

   "Life is what you make of it...
     So beautiful or so what..."
                         - Paul Simon

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