[NCC] Fwd: SS SSB K8MR(@K5KG) Single Op HP

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Mon Nov 21 05:11:04 PST 2011

This doesn't count for any club score, but it was a lot of fun. South 
is indeed a good place to be for SS.

It was fun to test drive "K8MR" and "WCF" in the same breath. Some day 
after Linda retires this could become normal.

Good to work all the MRRC/NCC guys.

Sent: Sun, Nov 20, 2011 10:43 pm
Subject: SS SSB K8MR(@K5KG) Single Op HP

                    ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB

Call: K8MR
Operator(s): K8MR
Station: K5KG

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 9:15

 Band  QSOs
  160:    0
   80:    0
   40:  268
   20:  274
   15:  365
   10:   59
Total:  966  Sections = 77  Total Score = 148,764



A big thank you to George, K5KG, for inviting me in for a Sunday
afternoon/evening SS fix while on vacation here in WCF. The station 
played very
well, and the rate just kept going.

Missed VT, PR, and NT.  Fun adding a bit of variety to the contest data 
and smiling at those who told me that I should be in Ohio.

Back to cold reality in Ohio on Tuesday.

73  -  Jim  K8MR

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