Ray Fallen ray.fallen at gmail.com
Tue Nov 22 04:13:29 PST 2011

Moved KP4JRS from 12 RTTY to 15 SSB for the
KP4 mult on Sunday morning.  Is that kosher?

First Canadian mult was NT.

Last mult worked for the Sweep was Utah ! ?

The high point of the contest was a visit from the
Hubbard Fire Department on Saturday night...seems
1500 watts on 75 now sets off my security system...and
I didn't know anything was going on until I saw the
red strobes in the trees behind the house.

Wasn't that just dandy?

        Band    QSOs    Pts  Mlt
           3.5     330     660   32
              7      60     120    5
            14     125     250   16
            21     125     250   13
            28      31      62   14
       Total       671    1342   80

            Score : 107,360

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