[NCC] [MRRC] THREE good NCC/MRRC teams - how about a 4th one?

Jimk8mr at aol.com Jimk8mr at aol.com
Thu Jan 31 20:26:22 EST 2013

K8MR:  Upgraded to moderately excited.
73  -  Jim
In a message dated 1/31/2013 6:50:34 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
k3lr at k3lr.com writes:



NW2K -  don't confuse with N2WK
W2FU - N2ZN op
NO3M - QRQ op
K3UA - has won  the CW Sprint
K8NZ - From Florida
K5ZD - NCC charter member - has won  the CW Sprint
W2RQ - H&R Rockin' last hour
WB2ABD - Will be in state  QSO party until start
K1DG - related to AR - dinner first
K1AR - related  to DG - dinner first


N3GJ - 10 meter single  band :-)
K8GT - Sound man for the Spurs
N8XX - Antennas buried - only a  few watts
K8MR - Trying to get excited
K8BL - first timer, GL  Bob
W8WTS - wishing he was at PJ2T
K8YM - ND8L op
WW3S - fresh from  RTTY contest in VP9
KW8N - 20 meter rotor problem
N3SD - Maybe on  vacation


KL7RA - Nook and Lucy multi  op
N9RV - Big Sky 7 land
K9NW - at K9UWA
K3LR - at K5KC
N8EA -  full time & full bore
N8AA - smooth CW operator
N5UM - OKC BSA Chili  super maker
W1NN - K3 remote from JA
N8BJQ - going to dinner  first
N0AX - Dr. Beldar - Spurs lead singer

QRZ Sprint  teams?

Tim K3LR

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