[NCC] [MRRC] NAQP Phone Teams

Robert Hayes kw8n at aol.com
Fri Jan 17 20:16:42 EST 2014

Thanks to all who have responded thusfar.  I will put a list together later and split up teams.
Gotta go put up some beverages right now...

Someone had asked for the time of the NAQP:
1800Z, Jan 18    to   0559Z, Jan 19, 2014
So that is 1 PM EST Saturday afternoon to 1 AM Sunday morning.

Another question was 160 meters?
Absolutely!  One of the better bands competitively if you are from this area.
All six bands 160-10.

73 ES TNX Bob KW8N

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Hayes <kw8n at aol.com>
To: mrrc <mrrc at contesting.com>; ncc <ncc at contesting.com>
Sent: Wed, Jan 15, 2014 11:38 pm
Subject: [MRRC] NAQP Phone Teams

With the recent great success in the MRRC/NCC team formations for the CW NAQP, 
how about some teams for the SSB NAQP, which is this Saturday?

I will be glad to do all of the team registering etc.  

Just need to know who would be willing to be on a team and whether full-time or 
part-time effort.


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