[NCC] WRTC Report
Barney Scholl
scholl at scholl.org
Fri Jul 11 17:28:14 EDT 2014
Most of them have been on this afternoon checking for interference. May be shutting down early to get rest.
Barney at WRTC
> On Jul 11, 2014, at 3:30 PM, tleek8az <tleek8az at gmail.com> wrote:
> Word is, those guys are on the air right now -- testing out their stations.
> (No 1x1 calls though.) Should be good propogation check.
> I'll be on tomorrow morning, but not expecting to work much -- even on 20m.
> Big backscatter signal will be nothing compared to the screaming EU
> pileups -- and those guys most likely won't be working split -- hard to her
> them through all the 5kw EU guys. (Besides, we're same zone, same
> continent -- big point disadvantage to working us NA guys.)
> But tomorrow night will be better Thinking there might even be some 2d
> radio 10m stuff -- I have a feeling that the guys with the best rates will
> have the smallest pileups.
> Lots of interesting strategy for this one......
> On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 2:45 PM, Dan Kovatch <w8car at buckeye-express.com>
> wrote:
>> My strategy is to get on and run in the morning and take a break every
>> hour or so and tune the bands for the WRTC guys. Not going to use the
>> cluster as I figure any buzzing pileup will be them. The prop for us will
>> be iffy on 20-10 but maybe afternoon backscatter (know anyone with a really
>> LARGE 10 meter array?) I'm going to try to work lots of guys and the 1x1s
>> too. Hope to spend much time on the radio even though it is supposed to be
>> gorgeous outside.
>> I'm going to have the score board up on a second monitor but don't know if
>> that will help but will be fun to watch.
>> -----Original Message----- From: tleek8az
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 5:18 PM
>> To: North Coast Contesters
>> Subject: Re: [NCC] WRTC Report
>> Yo Dan!
>> I'm planning to do the same. Any thoughts about strategy? I'm thinking
>> that Saturday morning will likely be a waste -- those guys will be on 20 &
>> 15 (10 if it opens to EU) and will be running a sh#t load of EU. I
>> suspect that the pileups will be enormous -- and that with only
>> backscatter signals, us midwest guys will be too weak to be successful.
>> Other than catching somebody early on, any other thoughts for strategy?
>> On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 5:14 PM, Dan Kovatch <w8car at buckeye-express.com>
>> wrote:
>> Sorry to hr the news Jim, Glad you got to go. I'll be on this weekend and
>>> am going to try to work as many band/mode WRTC stations as I can! Good
>>> luck and have fun!
>>> DAn W8CAR
>>> -----Original Message----- From: Jim K8MR via NCC
>>> Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 11:27 PM
>>> To: mrrc at contesting.com ; ncc at contesting.com
>>> Subject: [NCC] WRTC Report
>>> Well, I'm almost to WRTC. Which is good considering that at one point
>>> Sunday night I did not know if I'd be here at all.
>>> Last Friday we got a call from the assisted living place where my mother
>>> lives, that she had fallen and been taken to the emergency room. She ended
>>> up diagnosed with a fractured pelvis. I saw her on Saturday and she was
>>> doing OK for her situation. But then on Sunday various things started
>>> happening, ending with a call from the hospital at 10:30pm that the staff
>>> hospitalist thought she needed emergency surgery to check out what was
>>> going on. The surgeon was indeed called in, but after examining her and
>>> her
>>> files decided it was best not to operate. But for the several hours I
>>> could
>>> see myself spending the weekend hanging around a hospital or worse.
>>> Fortunately she is doing better, the doctors have settled on a wait and
>>> watch approach to the complicating issues, and my sister from Florida flew
>>> up and is doing the local family help. Wanting to see her before we left
>>> Sharon, we got a much later start of our trip to NJ on Monday (where our
>>> daughter and grandson live), and spent? extra time there this morning
>>> before leaving to get Linda to her cousin's place on Cape Cod where she
>>> will be spending the week. I'm there tonight, and will be off to WRTC land
>>> in the morning.
>>> Thanks to all for the good wishes. And thanks to all of you that supported
>>> WRTC to make it able to do all this. Solar conditions look great, the
>>> weather forecasts sound ideal, and we'll be looking for all of you in the
>>> pileups, and hope to work you many times, along with all those infinite
>>> piles of Europeans that one has to endure from W1.
>>> 73,
>>> Jim? K8MR
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