Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Mon Jul 14 07:33:03 EDT 2014

Good to work so many members.  I even worked K8AZ!

I didn't make a special effort to find the WRTC stations but a manual count 
shows that 121 of them made it into the log.  Not sure if I worked all of 
them.  I don't think I worked any of them on 10 and 15.  Two Qs with N1U.

My mult total this year was 25 fewer than two years ago and a lot lower than 
many competitors.  Not sure why (QRN on 80 and 160 didn't help) but this is 
a costly mistake for the score.  Need to do a better job on the SO2R.

I'm glad I could put in a full effort during a WRTC year.  Lots of fun!

                    IARU HF World Championship

Call: W1NN
Operator(s): W1NN
Station: W1NN

Class: SO CW LP
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Zones  HQ Mults
  160:    16            2        2
   80:   183            7        6
   40:   336           20       24
   20:   628           28       30
   15:   259           19       32
   10:    23            8        6
Total:  1445    0      84      100  Total Score = 824,504

Club: North Coast Contesters


The first half of the contest was very rough for me.  About ten times the
keyboard suddenly stopped working.  I was going crazy until I thought about 
the ferrites that I took with me on my recent trip to SV9.  I neglected to 
them back on the cables.  As soon as I did so, my problem was solved.  But 
was not the only problem - I just couldn't get much going during the first 
hours and most QSOs on 15 and 20 were real work.  Then suddenly things got
better and I was able to run for several hours on 20 - unusual with my
tribander at 32 feet.  The rest of the contest was great except for the bad 
from local storms that really hurt the 80 and 160 totals.  I ended up with 
best score ever for low power.

The WRTC stations all sounded great and it will be very interesting to see 
wins.  All great ops.

Thanks to all the volunteers for putting on a great show.

Equipment:  K3 and OMNI VI Plus
Tribander at 32' fixed on Europe, 20 meter vertical and dipoles for the 

73, Hal W1NN

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