[NCC] NAQP CW Saturday August 2 - Second Reminder

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Sat Jul 26 17:12:44 EDT 2014

One week from today the August NAQP CW will be underway.  So far the response has been underwhelming and I don't yet have a single full team.  Last year we had 27 participants and several very good teams.  

Please check your schedules and see if you can join us next Saturday to get on and do some high-rate contesting.  There aren't that many contests where a guy with a G5RV and a barefoot radio can rack up over 700 contacts in 10 hours.  This is one of them.

Let me know your plans.  

73, Hal W1NN  NAQP CW Whip


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