[NCC] FIELD DAY 2014 update

Robert Hayes via NCC ncc at contesting.com
Wed Jun 25 22:14:33 EDT 2014

MRRC, NCC and anyone else,

I am a Field Day addict.  First one was 1971 and have only missed a few over the years.
I can't believe as I get older and weaker and have less stamina that I actually used to put towers together, haul them up with a car and then pull 20 meter and 15 meter beams to the top and then still have time and strength to operate.  That was years ago.

For the past 15 years it has been no towers, just trees.  And all wires, except sometimes a 15 meter beam that hangs from the lower branch of a tree.  I am going to take another crack at getting the 1B - 1 op battery (5 watt) record back.  Had it for a number of years, but that was beaten several years ago.

Anyway, don't know what plans folks may have this year but if you are operating at Field Day, sure hope we make some contacts.  And if you are not doing a serious Field Day, please take a look for me.  I won't be loud with only 5 watts, but if conditions are decent contacts are not too hard to come by.  Probably 90% CW.

Thank you for your support,
73 Bob KW8N

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