[NCC] Time to start thinking about CQWW DX PhoneQ

Jim K8MR via NCC ncc at contesting.com
Tue Oct 14 09:34:47 EDT 2014

Not completely sure of my plans, but at least earlier in the week I'll be  
off on a DXpedition.
After the FB time with W1AW/8 in August (I was in FL for the first OH  
W1AW/8 week), and noting a nearby state that was pretty low in the W1AW numbers, 
 I contacted the folks to our south, and will be heading there to help out 
with  W1AW/8 in West Virginia.
I'm not exactly sure of the plan, but several of us will be operating at  
WV8T near Charleston. I had never heard of this station, but if you check out 
 his QRZ page, it looks pretty impressive. I expect to have some pretty 
good  pileups.
CQWW plans are not known. N8II will be doing a W1AW/8 SOSB10  from his  QTH 
in eastern WV. Several guys are presently signed up for random SSB slots  
during WW. I don't know if they understand what they will be finding on the  
bands when they show up  :-).
The CQWW decision is not in my hands, but if the WV organizers would  
approve, maybe a single band effort? I'm sure if I did I could set an all  time 
record for the number of zero point QSOs.
73   -  Jim   K8MR
p.s.  I'll also be on the road this Saturday, lending a hand to  the NY NCC 
folks who are now in charge of the New York QSO Party. I'll be taking  a 
leisurely rove around the Finger Lakes during the daylight hours, with my 33  
Foot HamStick. Get on and say hello!  NYQP starts earlier than most at  10 
In a message dated 10/13/2014 10:28:42 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
k3lr at k3lr.com writes:

The  largest contest on the planet starts Friday October 24th at 8 PM.  

What are your plans? Please post them here on the NCC group  reflector.

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