[NCC] NY QSO Party - This Saturday - All Counties and SeveralMobiles

Tom Williams n2cu at roadrunner.com
Wed Oct 15 21:02:51 EDT 2014

I will be mobile, single-op, no driver on 80-10m, CW and SSB for the
entirety. Please help your fellow NCC'ers with a few QSOs!

Tom N2CU <><
K3 #3582

-----Original Message-----
From: NCC [mailto:ncc-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
dfaklis at frontiernet.net
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 4:55 PM
To: ncc at contesting.com
Subject: [NCC] NY QSO Party - This Saturday - All Counties and

CQ NYQP!  Saturday 18 OCT, 1400 UTC for 12 straight hours of radio fun.

K8MR/M, N2CU/M, N2ZN/M (with NW2K), W2FU/NU2F, WB2ABD will be operating so
please get on the air and give them some Q's.

We're still working to get all 62 counties on the air (so far, missing a
couple counties in the North Country).  All contest bands (160m-2m and
higher) and all modes (CW, SSB, Digital) will be represented.  

The event is well funded with many categories and there is plenty of
opportunity to win a plaque both within NY and outside of the state.  The
plaques are really beautiful and a great addition to the family room.

Here is a link to the 2014 rules:  (Exchange:  RST and County, in NY; RST
and S/P/*DX*, outside NY)


More info on mobile routes etc. (new updates soon):  www.nyqp.org

Thanks and hope to see you on Saturday!

73, Dean, NW2K
NCC mailing list
NCC at contesting.com

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