[NCC] NY QSO Party - This Saturday - All CountiesandSeveral Mobiles

Tom Williams n2cu at roadrunner.com
Wed Oct 15 21:26:07 EDT 2014

Thanks for the 75m QSO in the PAQP, Tim.

Tom N2CU <><
K3 #3582

-----Original Message-----
From: NCC [mailto:ncc-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Tim Duffy
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 9:14 PM
To: 'North Coast Contesters'; dfaklis at frontiernet.net
Subject: Re: [NCC] NY QSO Party - This Saturday - All CountiesandSeveral

I will be on for the NYQP party - as a "tune up" for the weekend after.

Looking for NCC NY ops!


-----Original Message-----
From: NCC [mailto:ncc-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jeffrey Ach
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 7:20 PM
To: dfaklis at frontiernet.net; 'North Coast Contesters'
Subject: Re: [NCC] NY QSO Party - This Saturday - All Counties andSeveral

W2FU/0 will be QRU in both the Iowa QSO party from rare Hardin county and
also will be working the NYQP from Iowa.

20, 40 and 80 meters both phone and cw, 100W both parties

May activate W2FU in NY remotely as NU2F...depends on how slow things get
Sat nite


-----Original Message-----
From: NCC [mailto:ncc-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
dfaklis at frontiernet.net
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2014 4:55 PM
To: ncc at contesting.com
Subject: [NCC] NY QSO Party - This Saturday - All Counties and Several

CQ NYQP!  Saturday 18 OCT, 1400 UTC for 12 straight hours of radio fun.

K8MR/M, N2CU/M, N2ZN/M (with NW2K), W2FU/NU2F, WB2ABD will be operating so
please get on the air and give them some Q's.

We're still working to get all 62 counties on the air (so far, missing a
couple counties in the North Country).  All contest bands (160m-2m and
higher) and all modes (CW, SSB, Digital) will be represented.  

The event is well funded with many categories and there is plenty of
opportunity to win a plaque both within NY and outside of the state.  The
plaques are really beautiful and a great addition to the family room.

Here is a link to the 2014 rules:  (Exchange:  RST and County, in NY; RST
and S/P/*DX*, outside NY)


More info on mobile routes etc. (new updates soon):  www.nyqp.org

Thanks and hope to see you on Saturday!

73, Dean, NW2K
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