[NCC] NCC/MRRC Teams Registered

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Sat Jan 10 01:04:22 EST 2015

25 members have signed up so that makes exactly five teams.  Several ops 
had to switch from full to part time, but we should make a pretty good 
showing anyhow.

Here are the teams:

Team Name: NCC/MRRC #1 Team Members: NA8V N8AA N8SS W1NN AF8A

Team Name: NCC/MRRC #2 Team Members: KD8GOX KT8K WW3S K8FZY K9NW

Team Name: NCC/MRRC #3 Team Members: K8BL N8EA N3SD K8ND ND8L

Team Name: NCC/MRRC #4 Team Members: K8MR W8RU K6RQT K8NZ AC8E

Team Name: NCC/MRRC #5 Team Members: N8XX N2CU W8WTS KK8D KW8N

Be sure to file a 3830 report at the end of the contest with a copy to 
the club reflector.  And then submit your log by January 18 at 

If there are any changes, you'll have to let me know no later than 7 AM 
Saturday.  After that I'll be in bed until after the contest starts.

GL & have fun.  Hope to work you all.

73, Hal W1NN

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