[NCC] Fwd: NAQP CW K8MR Single Op QRP

Jim K8MR via NCC ncc at contesting.com
Sat Jan 10 22:33:50 EST 2015

 Not a lot of propagation to W8. I remember QSOs with N8AA, N8EA NA8V, KT8K, KW8N, K3UA, K9NW, W8TM. AA, UA, and NW the only guys worked more than once. Heard several others S&Ping: AF8A, ND8L,W1NN, N8VV.

Stay warm!



-----Original Message-----
From: webform <webform at b4h.net>
To: 3830 <3830 at contesting.com>; k8mr <k8mr at arrl.net>
Sent: Sat, Jan 10, 2015 10:20 pm
Subject: NAQP CW K8MR Single Op QRP

                    North American QSO Party, CW - January 
Call: K8MR 
Operator(s): K8MR 
Station: K8MR 
Class: Single Op QRP 
Operating Time (hrs): 5 
 Band  QSOs  Mults 
   80:    3     1 
   40:   55    24 
   20:   33    18 
   15:   97    35 
   10:   40    18 
Total:  228    96  Total Score = 21,888 
Club: Mad River Radio Club 
Team: NCC/MRRC #4 
Snowbird time - my wife and I are in Sarasota for the winter. For the NAQP it 
was a choice of operating from a small roadside park on Sarasota Bay, or 
putting up some antennas in a green space/buffer/dog walking area at the condo 
complex. When my wife didn't want to let me have the car for the afternoon to 
do the former, it came down the the later. I considered using the KXPA100, but
extra effort to drag it, the cables, and big battery out to the space 
seemed to be more complexity and work than I wanted to deal with.
I was able to get a 40/20 dipole up about 45 feet at the center. It seemed to 
work well on 10 and 15, though I had hoped those bands would be a bit shorter. 
Upper New England had a good opening on 10, while at the same time VE1 was 
there but weak. Colorado was booming. 
I'm not sure what happened on 20 - very few signals early on. The loudest were 
from KP4. Later there were signals but a lot of line noise. Same thing on 40. 
Since usually only the loud guys are able to hear my QRP signal it may have 
been a wash, though hearing people would have been more fun. Three FL QSOs on 
Operating outside in January wearing a sweatshirt and dealing
with the occasional bug is still a lot better than
the northerly alternative! 
73  -  Jim  K8MR 


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