[NCC] Fw: NAQP CW K8BL Single Op LP

R.T.Liddy k8bl at ameritech.net
Sat Jan 10 23:25:21 EST 2015

                    North American QSO Party, CW - January

Call: K8BL
Operator(s): K8BL
Station: K8BL

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 5

Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:  100    25
   80:    0     0
   40:    0     0
   20:    8     7
   15:  111    38
   10:  141    38
Total:  360   108  Total Score = 38,880

Club: North Coast Contesters

Team: NCC/MRRC #3


Part-time. Got on early and found 10/15 in great shape with West Coast
and short skip activity. Able to get back on late and found 160 with
lots of activity and never made it to 80/40 at all.

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