[NCC] W8CAR CQWW 160 score and summary

Dan Kovatch w8car at buckeye-express.com
Sun Jan 25 12:19:36 EST 2015

                    CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW

Call: W8CAR
Operator(s): W8CAR
Station: W8CAR

Class: Single Op HP
QTH: oh
Operating Time (hrs): 21

Total:  QSOs = 859  State/Prov = 59  Countries = 26  Total Score = 182,495

Club: North Coast Contesters

Comments:Condx were not the best but not totally awful. I miss the days of 
running EU in the evenings both days. This year it was a slog to work the 
few I heard and signals never were very strong. PJ2T - usually a beacon 
whenever I tune across them was a so-so S7 most of the time. HI3CC seemed to 
be the loudest carib station this year. A brief analysis shows I worked 24% 
of my total contacts in 4 states-OH,NY,VA and the ever popular PA. That is 
sign of the times! Worked all states with NV being my last one in the last 
15 minutes of operation. Only 33 10 pointers. 2 HI but no AK-no VK or JA 
heard at all.
Looking forward to lower sun spot numbers----but maybe in a few years!

Used diversity with the K3 for the first time in a contest. Once I got my 
antennas sorted and figured out how to make the sub rcvr see the right 
antenna it was interesting. It is weird to have a signal go from your left 
ear to right and back in fractions of a second! Used the HI-Z 3L array on 
the sub and the other listening antennas on the main. Usually had one in 
each direction-seemed to work well. MUCH better than listening on the 
transmit vertical. I credit the diversity with several Qs where there was 
severe QSB on a signal. In any case it was fun to mess around when the rate 
was slow or I was tuning around.

Get those logs in -5 days!


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