[NCC] W8CAR CQWW 160 score and summary

tleek8az tleek8az at gmail.com
Sun Jan 25 12:34:54 EST 2015

Nice job, Dan.

Working with the Hi-Z here -- found a broken vertical.  Now doing some
analysis with W8WWV transmitting various places.   Once we get that done,
I'll try to hook up the NCC-1 that Greg is loaning me & see if that works
-- but I have a feeling diversity is better.  (Will probably ultimately use
the Hi-Z as a diversity antenna instead of an RX antenna on 160 .... but
who knows?

20m amp is acting up a bit & working on that.  Eager for ARRL contest in a


On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 12:19 PM, Dan Kovatch <w8car at buckeye-express.com>

>                    CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW
> Call: W8CAR
> Operator(s): W8CAR
> Station: W8CAR
> Class: Single Op HP
> QTH: oh
> Operating Time (hrs): 21
> Summary:
> Total:  QSOs = 859  State/Prov = 59  Countries = 26  Total Score = 182,495
> Club: North Coast Contesters
> Comments:Condx were not the best but not totally awful. I miss the days of
> running EU in the evenings both days. This year it was a slog to work the
> few I heard and signals never were very strong. PJ2T - usually a beacon
> whenever I tune across them was a so-so S7 most of the time. HI3CC seemed
> to be the loudest carib station this year. A brief analysis shows I worked
> 24% of my total contacts in 4 states-OH,NY,VA and the ever popular PA. That
> is sign of the times! Worked all states with NV being my last one in the
> last 15 minutes of operation. Only 33 10 pointers. 2 HI but no AK-no VK or
> JA heard at all.
> Looking forward to lower sun spot numbers----but maybe in a few years!
> Used diversity with the K3 for the first time in a contest. Once I got my
> antennas sorted and figured out how to make the sub rcvr see the right
> antenna it was interesting. It is weird to have a signal go from your left
> ear to right and back in fractions of a second! Used the HI-Z 3L array on
> the sub and the other listening antennas on the main. Usually had one in
> each direction-seemed to work well. MUCH better than listening on the
> transmit vertical. I credit the diversity with several Qs where there was
> severe QSB on a signal. In any case it was fun to mess around when the rate
> was slow or I was tuning around.
> Get those logs in -5 days!
> Dan W8CAR
> Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/
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