[NCC] NAQP SSB (16 JAN) - Practice - This Coming Tuesday Night

dfaklis at frontiernet.net dfaklis at frontiernet.net
Fri Jan 8 13:04:52 EST 2016

The North American QSO Party is on 16 JAN so please join in during this Tuesday's Phone Fray for a practice session.  9:30 pm EST Tuesday (0230-0300z Wednesday).  

The rules are identical...exchange name and S/P/C; mults per band; 100w max.  Use the NAQP SSB module in your favorite logging software.  No logs to submit, just report scores to http://www.3830scores.com/.

The Phone Fray was designed to be a great practice opportunity for new contesters and veterans alike.  It's only 30 minutes long so time management, band changes, and run vs. S and P strategy are paramount.  Please forward this note to your club and help new contesters build some skills.

The rules are here:  http://www.perluma.com/Phone_Fray_Contest_Rules.pdf

Suggested center frequencies are:  21.325, 14.250, 7.175, 3.800 (try to avoid 3.790-3.800, and lower in the band is better), 1.875.  Start as high as possible and work your way down in frequency.  160 is hopping at the end.

Join the free Phone Fray reflector:  https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/PhoneFray/info

Thanks!, 73, Dean, NW2K

PS  NAQP CW is tomorrow 9 JAN!

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