[NCC] K8AZ Open House Jan. 16

tleek8az tleek8az at gmail.com
Fri Jan 8 13:51:46 EST 2016

To all NCC and MRRC members (and all other area contesters):

Just a reminder .... the 28th annual K8AZ open house is next Saturday,
January 16.  We’ll start at 3 pm and will serve the traditional pizza
around 6.  Snacks and beverages (adult and otherwise) will be available.

Please remember that the parking on Surrey Lane is limited because the
street is so narrow – and it’s almost impossible if there is much snow, so
PLEASE pack the drive with cars.  We can always let someone out, but making
the street impassible for my neighbors (which has happened in the past) is
bad stuff.

As a reminder, Jim, K8MR is now wintering in sunny Florida ..... so the
annual MRRC holiday party has changed venue to the home of Jay, KB8O in
Elyria.  Elyria is around 60 minutes west of K8AZ (although it's mostly
interstate) so the plan is for the MRRC guys to exit 'AZ around 7 pm.

K8AZ if fine in any online database (I moved here before the Internet was
invented by Al Gore).  But if your GPS needs an address:  7275 Surrey Ln.,
Chesterland, OH 44026 will get you here.

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Jan. 16.


Tom, K8AZ

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