[NCC] ARRL 160 Halftime Report

Eric NO3M no3m at no3m.net
Sat Dec 2 15:45:59 EST 2017

Just caught ND8L for a late afternoon Q; many other NCCers worked 

1150 Qs, 117 mults, 308K pts so far.  About 14K ahead of AA1K based on 
live scoreboard.

EUs were trickling in from the start until about 0530z, then completely 
dried up except for a lone GM at 0725z.  There was no EU SR burst.  
Strange condx.  No DX worked approaching our SR either.

Missing AK, NT, PAC, PR.  Searched up and down for a KH6.

GL to all in round two.

73 Eric NO3M

On 12/02/2017 03:18 PM, Anthony Luscre wrote:
> Not sure if everyone is aware of cqcontest.net.
> It is an online real-time contest scoreboard.
> After registering and setup it works automatically with logging software to
> update from your computer to scoreboard (I am using N1MM).
> You can sort by different power levels
> It also shows club affiliation and can show club combined totals.
> Anthony

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