[NCC] Fwd: By-Law changes

Jamie WW3S ww3s at zoominternet.net
Thu Dec 28 18:38:13 EST 2017

Thanks for the update Ron, I just saw the proposed bylaw changes on the ARRL 
website, and unless I missed it, I don’t see the voting privileges for the 
executive committee listed.....not saying its aint gonna happen, but not in 
the proposed changes.....there ARE several proposed changes however, aren't, 
in my opinion, in the best interest of an open and democratic organization. 
Not sure where the push is coming from, but it appears some on this current 
board want to make it more of a secret, self perpetuating society....

-----Original Message----- 
From: Ronald Harps via NCC
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2017 2:30 PM
To: ncc at contesting.com
Subject: [NCC] Fwd: By-Law changes

Hi all,

Just got this response from ARRL Great Lakes director, Dale, WA8EFK related 
to my concerns about the upcoming ARRL BOD meeting in January. I would urge 
others to contact him and make your opinions known.

Hope to see everyone at K8AZ on Jan. 20.

Ron, K8NZ

-----Original Message-----
From: Dale Williams <dale.wms1 at frontier.com>
To: Ronald Harps <nzharps at aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Dec 27, 2017 1:24 pm
Subject: Re: By-Law changes

    Thanks for your e-mail, Ron

    I have seen it reported that there is a proposal that one Director 
plans to submit requesting that the ARRL Board grant voting    privileges to 
the President and Vice Presidents of the League.   All    of these officers 
were former member-elected Board members, having    served as Directors 
immediately prior to their being elected by    their fellow Board members to 
hold the executive offices.  At that    point, they lost their voting 
privileges.  The Director submitting    the proposal feels it in unfair to 
these officers, after having    served for several terms as Board members, 
that they should loose    those voting privileges, especially in view of 
their long-term    experiences as serving the ARRL.

    While I can see the point of offering these officers voting 
privileges, my opinion differs, however.   Our current By-laws have 
served us well over many years, as have those who have held the    officer 
positions at ARRL.  Those holding the position of offices,    both now and 
in the past, clearly understood the consequences of    their positions and 
that they would loose their ability to vote,    while still retaining the 
ability to speak and thereby influence the    vote by their accepted 
experience and wisdom.   I personally favor    retaining the current policy 
and making no accommodations to allow    the Board-elected officers the 
right to vote.

    The Board of Directors did make some changes to the By-Laws based 
upon very strong recommendations by our Connecticut attorneys.      These 
changes were necessary to bring us into full compliance with    Connecticut 
laws.  At their recommendation, we also imposed a Code    of Conduct upon 
the Board, based upon guidelines supplied to us by    nationally recognized 
not-for-profit organizations.   A key    requirement of the C of C, was for 
the protection of ARRL Employees    and the policy that is imposed upon the 
Board members to not    interfere with their daily duties.  Other factors 
involve insuring    employee privacy in personnel matters that may come up 
at Board    meetings.   At no time do these changes impose anything upon 
ARRL    Board members from continuing to express their personal opinions 
about League matters.  It does quite logically call for unity after    a 
Board decision has been made, so that a Board member does not    openly 
disparage the collecti
ve vote of the 14 other Board members.

    It is my feeling that some of the verbiage of the Code is unclear 
relative to the ability of the Board member to continue to be open    about 
his/her opinions.   I favor the Board taking a renewed look at    the Code 
in conjunction with our attorney's recommendations to make    this portion 
more clearly understood by the membership.  Perhaps    this will be done at 
the January Board meeting.

    Again, Ron, my thanks for expressing your concerns so clearly and 


    Dale Williams  WA8EFK
      Great Lakes Division


On 12/27/2017 1:07 PM, Ronald Harps      wrote:


As a long time ARRL member (50+ years and more than            40 years as a 
Life Member), I urge you to oppose the            proposed by-law changes 
that will be voted on in January.

In my view, the League is a representative democracy            (we the 
members vote for directors and the BOD sets policy).            Adding 
additional members of the BOD who are not in any way            directly 
connected to the voting membership goes against            that ideal. 
Additionally, by being able to "get rid of"            members for no 
apparent reason smacks of a totalitarian            organization that is 
only concerned with it's own self            preservation.

I think many members hold this view.


Ron Harps, K8NZ

1997 Willow Glen Ln

Columbus, OH 43229


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