[NCC] Tower Work

Anthony Luscre k8zt at arrl.net
Mon Oct 30 11:13:47 EDT 2017

On Mon, Oct 30, 2017 at 10:02 AM, Anthony Luscre <k8zt at arrl.net> wrote:

> Followup
> I was able to utilize YESCO (http://www.yesco.com/) from Willoughby,
> OH which usually services parking lot lights and signs.
> Paul was able to access tower with 55' with his truck (it was a close fit
> getting it into the backyard)
> He replaced the pulley and steel cable.
> It took less than 1.5 hours with a lot of the time getting the truck into
> position as he laid down plywood to minimize damage to yard.
> He was very intrigued by the antenna and had a lot of questions about the
> tower.
> I told him his company needed to get into tower servicing and he agreed.
> I was very pleased with the service and would recommend them.
> The newer cable from Glenmartin was thicker so I am glad I had ordered the
> new pulley.
> After 17 years in the air, the old pulley was still OK but starting to
> show signs of wear.
> I am putting it on my calendar to replace cable at 12 years!
> Also next spring I will lower hazer and remove antennas so I can lay tower
> down and check & tighten all bolts/nuts.
> Anthony
> On Mon, Oct 16, 2017 at 12:00 PM, Anthony Luscre <k8zt at arrl.net> wrote:
>> I am looking for someone I can hire to do some tower work at my home.
>> They will need to use bucket/lift as the Tower is a Glenmartin M-1850a
>> <http://glenmartin.com/m-1850a-50%E2%80%B2-m-18-radio-tower-package/> 50
>> foot nonclimable aluminum.
>> Antenna Sommer XP-708
>> <http://www.radiomanual.info/schemi/ACC_antenna/DJ2UT_Sommer_antenna_catalog.pdf> HF
>> log periodic
>> Glenmartin Hazer stuck at top of tower after winch cable snapped
>>    1. Replace pulley at top of tower (I have all parts)
>>    2. Replace steel winch cable (I have all parts)
>>    3. Check operation
>> Location ~12 miles north of Akron
>> --
>> *Anthony Luscre*
>> *K8ZT*
>> Assistant Ohio Section Manager for Education Outreach
>> ARRL - The National Association For Amateur Radio™
>> a at k8zt.com (best for Education & Technology)
>> k8zt at arrl.net (best for Amateur Radio)
>> *The Web Resource Hoarder- www.ZTLearn.com <http://www.ztlearn.com/>*
>> *Web Resource Hoarder Blog*
>> *K8ZT Radio Website- www.k8zt.com <http://www.k8zt.com/>*
>> *My Radio Blog- k8zt.blogspot.com <http://k8zt.blogspot.com/>*
> --
> *Anthony Luscre*
> *K8ZT*
> Assistant Ohio Section Manager for Education Outreach
> ARRL - The National Association For Amateur Radio™
> a at k8zt.com (best for Education & Technology)
> k8zt at arrl.net (best for Amateur Radio)
> *The Web Resource Hoarder- www.ZTLearn.com <http://www.ztlearn.com/>*
> *Web Resource Hoarder Blog*
> *K8ZT Radio Website- www.k8zt.com <http://www.k8zt.com/>*
> *My Radio Blog- k8zt.blogspot.com <http://k8zt.blogspot.com/>*

*Anthony Luscre*

Assistant Ohio Section Manager for Education Outreach
ARRL - The National Association For Amateur Radio™

a at k8zt.com (best for Education & Technology)
k8zt at arrl.net (best for Amateur Radio)

*The Web Resource Hoarder- www.ZTLearn.com <http://www.ztlearn.com/>*
*Web Resource Hoarder Blog*

*K8ZT Radio Website- www.k8zt.com <http://www.k8zt.com/>*
*My Radio Blog- k8zt.blogspot.com <http://k8zt.blogspot.com/>*

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