[NCC] Reminder: NAQP CW Jan 12-13, 2019

Jim jimk8mr at aol.com
Thu Dec 27 11:43:26 EST 2018

I’ve signed up for an FCG team, I’ll be part time from the condo. I may also make a P/T waterfront appearance as W3USA.  

Hope to catch you all!

Snowbird southerly migration begins tomorrow.

73  & HNY,

Jim  K8MR

> On Dec 27, 2018, at 3:12 AM, Hal Offutt <hal at japancorporateresearch.com> wrote:
> Holiday Greetings!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season.
> The NAQP CW contest is just a little over two weeks away.  Put it on your new calendars before someone schedules a long evening with the in-laws!
> The NAQP is a 12 hour contest in which single ops may operate a max of 10 hours.  The dates and times for the January, 2019 event are from 1800Z Jan 12 until 0600Z Jan 13 (1300 EST Saturday, Jan 12 until 0100 EST  Sunday, January 13).  The mandatory two-hour break requirement makes it easy to operate this event and still have dinner with the family.  Note that this is a low power event with a maximum power output of 100 watts, so those guys with big amps won't be so loud.
> In addition to the individual competition, there is a lively team competition in the NAQPs and there are usually 90-100 teams from around the country participating.  Combined NCC/MRRC teams have been entering for quite a few years and sometimes we have been able to place one or two teams pretty high up in the list.  In the January 2018 event, we did not do so well, but we were still able to place one team in 16th place.  You can read about some of our past results at the North Coast Contesters website.  Note that there are NAQP CW competitions twice per year, one in January and one in August.
> I will again put together teams and register then with the sponsor.  Please let me know your plans to operate and whether you will be part or full time.  You can let me have tentative plans now and if they change or seem likely to change, just let me know.
> Let's see how well we can do this time!
> 73, Hal W1NN

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