[NCC] Reminder: NAQP CW Jan 12-13, 2019

John S Comella jscomella at gmail.com
Fri Dec 28 09:11:05 EST 2018


I'm going in full time.
Please pit me on a team.


On Thu, Dec 27, 2018 at 3:12 AM Hal Offutt <hal at japancorporateresearch.com>

> Holiday Greetings!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season.
> The NAQP CW contest is just a little over two weeks away.  Put it on
> your new calendars before someone schedules a long evening with the
> in-laws!
> The NAQP is a 12 hour contest in which single ops may operate a max of
> 10 hours.  The dates and times for the January, 2019 event are from
> 1800Z Jan 12 until 0600Z Jan 13 (1300 EST Saturday, Jan 12 until 0100
> EST  Sunday, January 13).  The mandatory two-hour break requirement
> makes it easy to operate this event and still have dinner with the
> family.  Note that this is a low power event with a maximum power output
> of 100 watts, so those guys with big amps won't be so loud.
> In addition to the individual competition, there is a lively team
> competition in the NAQPs and there are usually 90-100 teams from around
> the country participating.  Combined NCC/MRRC teams have been entering
> for quite a few years and sometimes we have been able to place one or
> two teams pretty high up in the list.  In the January 2018 event, we did
> not do so well, but we were still able to place one team in 16th place.
> You can read about some of our past results at the North Coast
> Contesters website.  Note that there are NAQP CW competitions twice per
> year, one in January and one in August.
> I will again put together teams and register then with the sponsor.
> Please let me know your plans to operate and whether you will be part or
> full time.  You can let me have tentative plans now and if they change
> or seem likely to change, just let me know.
> Let's see how well we can do this time!
> 73, Hal W1NN
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