[NCC] W2FU 3830 Report

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Sun Jan 13 18:44:21 EST 2019

I am re-posting Jeff's 3830 report, which, for reasons beyond my 
understanding, was bounced from the list.

Fantastic job once again, Jeff and crew!  And thanks for three QSOs!

Hal W1NN

North American QSO Party, CW - January

Call: W2FU

Operator(s): W2FU NW2K N2ZN K0SM

Station: W2FU

Class: M/2 LP


Operating Time (hrs): 12


Band  QSOs  Mults


   160:  407    56

    80:  720    59

    40:  574    65

    20:  386    62

    15:  128    25

    10:    5     3


Total: 2220   270  Total Score = 599,400

  Club: North Coast Contesters



Looks like another hard fought NAQP, congratulations to the win at K5RM 
this time. Looks like we are down some QSOs to them on 80 40 and 20 this 
year, and not by a very small margin either. Glad to see more stations 
entering the M2 in NAQP, it's a really fun event and class to enter.

We actually did better this year than last, on 10, 15 and 160, but we 
were down on 40 and 80.  Andy even got out the straight key (in the 
spirit of the K3Y

guys) and made at least one Q that way.

Opened up the shack for an all in-place contest (no remote) and enjoyed 
one of the best parts of contesting.....the team gathering.  Terrific 
job by Dean, Ken and Andy again this year.


<w2fu at frontiernet.net>
1/14/2019, 4:15 AM

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