[NCC] 31st Annual K8AZ Open House

tleek8az tleek8az at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 01:20:30 EST 2019

To The NCC Warriors:

Despite pessimistic weather forecasts, the K8AZ open house will commence at
4 pm this Saturday.  The officers are aware of the weather forecast -- but
are also mindful that it is quite variable.  There could be a ton of snow
or not much by meeting time.  And this being the first snow event of the
winter, the news interests are definitely unwilling to err on the
conservative side.

Personally, I would not be surprised if this storm were nothing more than a
normal snowy winter night.  But, that said, I am encouraging everyone
planning to attend to keep an eye on the weather and decide as the tie
nears whether it;s worth it to make the trip.  No harm if you elect to play
it safe.

Also, depending on weather, weather forecast and turnout, we may move
dinner up a bit and might start the NCC meeting as early as 7 pm, if it
appears that helping folks leave early would make sense.  Alternatively, we
might cancel the in-person meeting and conduct that meeting on-line, if the
weather is truly deteriorating.

Hoping the weather can hold off and that everyone can make it.

Tom, K8AZ

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