[NCC] Fwd: OhQP K8MR Mobile LP

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Mon Aug 24 12:37:02 EDT 2020

-----Original Message-----
From: webform at b4h.net
To: 3830 at contesting.com; k8mr at arrl.net
Sent: Mon, Aug 24, 2020 12:29 pm
Subject: OhQP K8MR Mobile LP

                    Ohio QSO Party - 2020

Call: K8MR
Operator(s): K8MR K3LA
Station: K8MR

Class: Mobile LP
QTH: 28 Counties
Operating Time (hrs): 12

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
  80:  668      
  40:  439    34
  20:  282    45
  15:    1      
  10:    1      
Total:  1391    79  CW Mults = 77  Ph Mults = 21  Total Score = 280,378

Club: North Coast Contesters



In recent years an OhQP mobile trip was good for about 850 QSOs. We did a bit
better this time, what with the SQP challenge, the COVID restrictions giving a
lot of people a lot of time, and the five weekend calendar in August this year
that gave us the fourth Saturday with no major competition.

By County, Total QSOs, in order of appearance:

CUYA  20
SUMM  13
PORT  43
TRUM  39
MAHO  71
COLU  37
STAR  29
CARR  46
HARR  57
BELM  68
GUER  54
MONR  52
NOBL  76
MUSK  37
MORG  66
PERR  43
ATHE  59
HOCK  34
FAIR  62
PICK  66
ROSS  73
HIGH  54
CLIN  67
FAYE  91
GREE  60
MADI  35
CLAR  66

Only two hours, 19Z and 20Z, with rate under 100/hr. We saved the best rate for
last, 164 in the 0300Z hour.  As noted by others, skip zones on 40 and 20 made
things tough for close in places. But OTOH there were good signals from far
away. Uli, DM5EE, as ZR2A/4 for ten QSOs was especially cool, and I had my first
mobile contest JA QSO in years with JO7WXN. Fifteen and ten meters was running
the bands with K1LT as we passed through his county.

All the SSB QSOs were from moving people from CW, with in some cases other folks
following me from a CW pileup to SSB and/or catching a packet spot in time. I
tried a few random SSB CQs with no production resulting.

While others in Ohio reported rain and thunderstorms, we were able to miss that.
Only two equipment malfunctions: in MUSK the SWR went way up, but it just took
tightening the stud in the mag mount to fix that. And we hit a huge pothole four
miles from our end point in Springfield, which resulted in a very flat tire by
morning. But thankfully that had no impact on our OhQP efforts, only on our
Sunday activities.

In the previous two years I planned my route to start and end near Youngstown to
allow my partner, K3LA (a friend since high school) to get up for a Sunday bike
ride in Pittsburgh. With COVID cancelling that ride, we combined the OhQP with a
40 mile ride on Sunday from Springfield to Xenia. That included going past the
empty Green County Fairgrounds. I hope that does not jinx that place like I did
when I visited HARA Arena after the 2018 Hamvention. Nine days later the tornado
did the final job on HARA.

I hope to visit Pennsylvania for one day of their party in October, and there is
an outside chance I might make it to New York as well. And a big thanks to all
who got on the air for our Party in Ohio!

73  -  Jim  K8MR

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