[NCC] 2023 Annual Dayton Contest Dinner - sign up now

Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Fri May 5 21:44:31 EDT 2023

Get tickets at https://www.contestdinner.com/get-tickets/


When & Where:

The Contest dinner will be held on Saturday night, May 20, 2023 at 6:30pm.
Cash bar opens at 5:30pm. Located at the Hope Hotel, Wright Patterson AFB
(Official Contest Hotel).


Contest Dinner Highlights:

Master of Ceremonies: CQWW Contest Director, John Dorr, K1AR

Dinner Speaker:  Bryant Rascoll, KG5HVO

2023 CQ Contest Hall of Fame Inductions: To Be Announced at the Dinner


Many contest operators from around the world attend this event. If you enjoy
radio contesting, you do not want to miss this Contest Dinner!


About our keynote speaker KG5HVO:

Bryant Rascoll, age 19, was licensed in 2015 shortly after attending a Boy
Scout Radio

Merit Badge course. While living in New Orleans and being a member of the

Amateur Radio club, he was introduced to CW and radiosport by his Elmer,

Sanders, NO5W. Quickly, he gained proficiency and was clocked at over 60 wpm
at the

CW Ops QRQ competition. Bryant competed mostly from his low power station in

Montgomery, Alabama. He built and experimented with home-brew antennas which

were mostly wires in the backyard trees. At age 14, he was the youngest
competitor at

WRTC 2018 in Germany. Bryant was a team member on the 2017 and 2019 Dave

Kalter YDXA trips to Costa Rica and Curacao, and was named the 2018 Dave

Pasternack Amateur Radio Newsline Young Ham of the Year. Beyond competing

his home station, Bryant has had multiple opportunities to contest from K3LR

as a member of all youth Team Exuberance in 2019, and most recently CQ WWCW

2022 and ARRL DXCW 2023. Serving as an ambassador for youth in radio, he has

presented at various ham events including CTU, HamCom, and the Huntsville

Outside of amateur radio, Bryant is an avid baseball player and led his high
school team

to a state championship in 2022. Bryant just completed his freshman year at

Cumberland University where he is a pitcher for the Cumberland Phoenix



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