[NCC] Fwd: FlQP K8MR SO MobileMixed LP

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Sat May 6 21:49:55 EDT 2023

-----Original Message-----
From: webform at b4h.net
To: 3830 at contesting.com; jimk8mr at aol.com
Sent: Sat, May 6, 2023 9:48 pm
Subject: FlQP K8MR SO MobileMixed LP

                    Florida QSO Party - 2023

Call: K8MR
Operator(s): K8MR
Station: K8MR

Class: SO MobileMixed LP
QTH: 19 Counties
Operating Time (hrs): 18

 Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
  40:  198    0
  20:  1362    86
  15:  512    52
  10:    20    0
Total:  2098  138  CW Mults = 66  Ph Mults = 37  Total Score = 890,332

Club: Mad River Radio Club


Another great drive around southern Florida! It was good to have 15 meters as a
runnable band, though I had hopes that 10 might also have been, which it was

We got caught in Saturday's weather in eastern Highlands and Okechobee counties,
with heavy rain, lots of nearby cloud to ground lightning, and hail. Sat parked
in OKE for maybe half an hour waiting it out, as well as spending time while
still driving with occasional CQs on 10 which netted two QSOs. I missed the
usual hour driving through St. Pete & Tampa, where the traffic is way too
heavy to try operating while driving. Also missed some time while driving in the
darkness to find my spot to park in DES, and through construction on FL50 in

SSB was somewhat disappointing, especially to W6/W7. The only states worked out
west on SSB were AZ and WY.

County Totals:
CHA  84
CLR  53
DES 181
GLA 151
HAR  66
HEN 149
HER 141
HIG 153
LAK 106 
LEE  77
MTE 150
OKE 158
OSC  71
PAS 178
PIN 165
POL  71
SAR  72
SUM  70
Thanks to all who chased me and the others around Florida!

73  -  Jim  K8MR (Safely back in Ohio until November)

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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