tleek8az tleek8az at gmail.com
Tue May 9 00:02:56 EDT 2023

To the members of NCC and MRRC:

It is with the deepest regret that I am emailing to inform you that Janis
Galm, KD8RXV, passed away on Saturday afternoon, May 6.  Jan is and was the
forever love of her spouse, long-time NCC and MRRC member Jim, W8WTS.

Jan passed at home, with family at her side, after a long stint in
home-based hospice, all of which followed a protracted bout with cancer.
Jan, an M.D, was a compassionate and high-energy pediatrician, who
understood and supported Jim’s passion for radio and contesting, and who
joyously hosted Jim’s radio friends at the Galm homestead.  She is a loss
to all of us, and will be enormously missed.

Jim requested that I pass on the following message:

"I lost my angel and XYL Janis, KD8RXV on Saturday afternoon.  She was
comfortable at home with me at the end.  Rather than sending flowers to my
QTH, I prefer nice cards that I can keep in an album and see for a long
time. ...

There is a memorial service scheduled for Tuesday, May 23 at 11:30 a.m.  It
will be at The Church of St. Dominic, 3450 Norwood Road, Shaker Heights."

RIP Jan.  You were one of a kind, and will be greatly missed.
…  _._
73, with great sadness,
Tom, K8AZ

(Apologies to the members of the 'AZ Crew for the duplicate message.)

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