Jon Kovacs jonlk1040 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 3 22:30:21 EST 2024

                        Start Date : 2024-03-02

    CallSign Used : K8LY

     ARRL Section : OH
         Software : N1MM Logger+ 1.0.10194.0

        Band     QSOs     Pts  Cty  Pt/Q
         3.5      54     162   38   3.0
           7      82     246   45   3.0
          14     163     489   68   3.0
          21     106     318   59   3.0
          28     155     465   70   3.0
       Total     560    1680  280   3.0

            Score : 470,400

Well guys, I had planned this weekend to shatter all my records, rigs were
ready, beam and dipoles all ready, I was ready!!!!!     However, events
that I had not exactly planned on came to the forefront.   It seemed that
Friday nite turned out to be my only activity until Sunday afternoon.
Saturday turned out to be grandson day, which involved one hockey match and
one swim meet, which took all day and into the evening.  Fortunately there
was time for Grandpa to invibe in adult beverages and food to help take
the edge off.   But, to see the looks on our grandson's face when they saw
us really made our day.   Realizing that this is only a hobby, and a great
one, but its not the end of the world.      But damn K8LY was ready!!!!!
 Oh well, CQWWCW is only months away??     Hope my small contribution

Jon k8ly

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