[Nodxa] Update on LoTW from GL Director

Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW) kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org
Thu Nov 8 08:53:27 EST 2012

[Reply only to k8je at arrl.org]

+++ Logbook of the World +++

A few members have asked about Logbook of the World (LoTW) being
inoperable.  Here are the facts about this situation:

The department manager over Information Technology at HQ has confirmed
that no data were lost.  The problem is that storage capacity has been
filled. Apparently, the fact that storage for LoTW was rapidly being
filled due to the rapid expansion of data input into it was not caught
in time to allow capacity to be expanded before the program shut down.
Staff advised the directors that capacity is being added and that
appropriate alarms are being built into the program to prevent this
situation from happening in the future.  LoTW should resume full
operations essentially momentarily.

I apologize for the inconvenience this situation has caused.



Jim Weaver, K8JE
Director, Great Lakes Division

Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org --or-- kb8nw at arrl.net
Editor of the "Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin" (OPDX - "DXer's Tool of Excellence")
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)

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