[Nodxa] FT4TA Story

Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW) kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org
Tue Feb 24 10:17:41 EST 2015

Hello Fellow DXers,
We received the following E-mail from FT4TA team which contained
17 pages of the FT4TA story in a DOCX file. NODXA does get mentioned
in the story as a sponsor. The book (with pictures) and the URL
mentioned below also mentions NODXA as a sponsor. If you would like
a copy of the DOCX file, send me an E-mail and I will forward it to
you........ 73 de Tedd KB8NW

Dear friends,

We address this e-mail to you because you played a significant role in 
our FT4TA project. Our emissions from Tromelin stopped a few months ago. 
Since, we have been very busy by many subjects. You undoubtedly read the 
news of our QSL cards (in progress), our equipment boxes are on the way 
back, we have been able to debrief on several occasions with the TAAF.

We are happy to send you today the complete report of our expedition.

For each operation, stories are very often quite similar. It is 
difficult in a few lines not to be limited to the banalities of the 
antenna setup , the conditions of propagation, and some statistics.
We choose to write a report which would tell in details all that we 
would like to know in connection with such adventure: the « behind the 
scenes" of FT4TA !
In these days of DQRM,  anonymous and nasty comments, it does not have a 
better answer than explaining, and try to sensitize, show the work done 
for a so ambitious project.

For the others, a large majority, organizers of expeditions themselves, 
those who would like to start a project, or DX-radio-travel lovers, let 
us hope that our story will make you dream.

We are conscious that for the magazines or bulletins editors, the 
formula is maybe not adapted. However, there is not, and there will not 
be a “short version”. I ask you to read the text completely, 
attentively… It will seems obvious to you that it would have been 
difficult to be shorter. We let you choose the presentation according to 
the space available on your support but please try to keep the spirit 
and the ideas.

In attachment you will find the complete story. The following link will 
provide you many pictures to illustrate it. Feel free to drop me a mail 
in case of specific needs. http://www.pj4c.com/ft4ta/ft4ta.zip

And finally, the link to consult online the FT4TA book:
French version: http://blur.by/1KGFCIT

English version http://blur.by/1KHMxRZ

It is also possible to order the « printed » version.

This communication will probably one of the last for this project. 
Thanks again for your support and see you soon for new adventures.


Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - E-mail addresses:
<kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org> <kb8nw at hotmail.com> <kb8nw at arrl.net>
Editor of the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin (OPDX - DXer's Tool of Excellence)
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)

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