[Nodxa] DXCC Deletion: Kingman Reef

Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW) kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org
Mon Mar 28 15:29:50 EDT 2016

ARRL HQ Newington

28 March 2016

DXCC Deletion of Kingman Reef

The ARRL Awards Committee has voted to delete Kingman Reef (KH5) from
the DXCC List, effective 29 March, 2016.  Kingman Reef will be added to
the Deleted Entities List on 29 March, 2016.  The total number of
entities on the List will drop from 340 to 339.

The deletion process is described in DXCC Rules Section II DXCC List
Criteria, Part 5(a) Deletion Criteria: “An entity may be deleted from
the List if it no longer satisfies the criteria under which it was
added.  However, if the entity continues to meet one or more currently
existing rules, it will remain on the List.”

With respect to the previous paragraph’s text, Kingman Reef’s original
addition by virtue of separate administration has changed (separate
administration by the U.S. Navy has been removed), and the reef does
not meet any current criteria to remain on the list.  The U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service administers Kingman Reef and Palmyra Island.  The reef
is too close to Palmyra Island to count as a separate entity.  The reef
is now considered part of the Palmyra/Jarvis DXCC entity.

DXCC members who have affirmed credit with Kingman Reef will see their
current entity totals drop by one on their DXCC awards -- including on
the bands and modes where Kingman Reef credit is given. They will also
see their DXCC Challenge totals drop commensurately.  Honor Roll status
will now be attainable after confirming 330 entities on the DXCC List.


  73, Dave, NN1N

Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - E-mail addresses:
<kb8nw at barf80.nshore.org> <kb8nw at hotmail.com> <kb8nw at arrl.net>
Editor of the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin (OPDX - DXer's Tool of Excellence)
President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)
DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society
ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division
Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)

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